Tuesday, October 25, 2011

it's getting cold...

Hi friends!  I don't have long to write, but I wanted to ask for your prayers for my friends on the streets this week.  Tonight, winter begins.  Temperatures in the low-teens will be accompanied by 6-13 inches of snow.  Often, this first cold snap catches people off guard (it was 80 degrees yesterday!), and desperation becomes the defining sense among my friends who live homeless in Denver.  Thank you for the way you care for and love the homeless youth and young adults up here.

More writings to come.

much love

Monday, October 10, 2011


Hey y'all,
Just wanted to drop a quick plug-in for the Dry Bones event coming up THIS SATURDAY, October 15th!!  Learn about the event and purchase tickets ($20 online, $25 at the door) HERE.  It's called Illuminate, and here is a short description:

Join us on October 15th, and see your city like you've never seen it before.  This evening will Illuminate the streets of Denver, highlighting the homeless youth that Dry Bones serves.  Get ready to experience sights, sounds, light, darkness, stories, and songs, all intended to shed light on the beauty found around us.

- Hear true and powerful stories
- See compelling artwork and photography
- Experience poetry and performance
- Listen to street-inspired music
- Be encouraged and challenged to Illuminate the darkest corners of Denver and your neighborhood

If you live out of town, or simply can't make it, never fear!  There are ways that you can participate virtually RIGHT HERE.

Also, a friend of mine has been hanging tire swings all over downtown Denver.  Random?  Yes.  Awesome?  Absolutely!!!  Most of them have been torn down, but one remains.  Some of my friends on the streets found it...

And, because pictures are cool, here are some recent shots of beautiful Colorado!  Enjoy

Maroon Bells...my first time to see this iconic view! 
Me and my girl on the sweet ride up to the Bells from Aspen, CO!